Thursday, April 29, 2010

Life update and internet

hey guys sorry for no pokemon news for about 3 days. My internet is just failing at life. Ohh well its back up. Well I will continue updates on saturday or sunday. for now....sorry

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pokemon of the week

Today is when Serebii picks a pokemon of the week. I will be doing something like that but I will be using Serebii that picks. Also no new YouTube background because of reasons.

This weeks pokemon of the week is Mewtwo.

Also if i get the new Bakugan episode today I may give links today.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pokemon Episode 173 and YouTube updates

Okay here are the Pokemon episode 173 links.

Now that the episode links are over with I have some updates on my YouTube account. I though of a new background idea but am not sure if it'll work. Also I have an idea for a new YouTube icon. So far I think I have all the images needed for my new background but not sure how its going to work. I'm working on putting the images on my base background first then moving them arround. Also the YouTube icon is finished. I added some decent things to my icon and learned a new things that'll make my icon better than the current icon i have now. Currently I haven't finished placing all the images yet. I hope my new background will be finished by June which is my 2nd year on YouTube! Can't wait to see how people react to my new icon and background once i release and finish them.....I hope.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Pokemon anime

Well there is nothing for me to update but there is a sad news for all you Team Rocket fans.
Meowth, the talking cat in the Pokemon anime will be leaving Team Rocket. The article on serebii just says Meowth plans to leave Team Rocket on episode 646 on May 27th.

All I know is that they are killing Pokemon one character at a time. Team Rocket needs Meowth or its not a scheming team.

Well its all for now.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Youtube, Pokemon anime, past Pokemon updates

Also finish with all my youtube videos i haven't watched yet. I have a few updates but not major just a bit before I forget.

Well I'm not going to update what is past of the Pokemon stuff on Serebii so yeah....

Pokemon anime episode 173 aired today in Japan and will be giving links tomorrow or Saturday.

Final news, my YouTube account has gotten 252 subscribers today. I have been on YouTube for almost two years now and I want to make it three. My goal is 300 subscribers by possibly before June? Don't really have a specific date but yeah. Also my goal is to get to 3000 channel comments with no spam currently I have 2280.

Anyways its all for now.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life updates and Bakugan episodes

Okay im sorry still no pokemon updates but guess what I have Bakugan episodes link!
Still my life is dragging me behind in my updates and videos. I finished watching Bakugan episode 49, Gigaitian's video, and SuperSkarmory's videos. All I need is Datai and Chuggaaconroy.

Well here are Bakugan: New Vestroia episode 49 parts:


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Status and updates

Well as you can tell I have been on blogspot for a week. I wasn't able to get an update on Sunday since i held it off a little bit late and Monday because I had things to do. This is just a short little update. I will give a full update on everything I missed. I will give the new Bakugan links tomorrow I hope.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pokemon Anime & Pokemon Black and White

Today I have the links to the new Pokemon episode 172 and some Pokemon Black and White news.

Pokemon episode 172 parts

Pokemon Black and White news: The event shiny three legendary beasts do unlock something in Pokemon Black and White. You can trade the beasts to Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.

That is all nothing else.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Pokemon TCG/ Pokemon Anime/ Pokemon PokePark

Well today again I will be giving links since well.... yeah. Not feeling the need to type a ton just going to give links to the places and stuff.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pokemon Black and White pictures/Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light/Bakugan videos

Today I have massive amounts of both Bakugan and Pokemon news. They are all pretty awesome but I will be giving links instead of information since if I were to type it all it would be long and yeah. So here are the news.

Pokemon Back and White news are they released better images that the first scans they had. Here they are. Also they said the three Dog beasts from the wi-fi event may unlock something in Black and White.

Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light boss guide has more information now. Take a look.

Also game mechanics has upgraded. Take a look.

The last news I have is finally Bakugan: New Vestroia Episode 48 has been uploaded. Watch em

That is all for todays thanks for reading.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pokemon 5th generation, Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light and Pokemon anime

I want to say this blogger website blog isn't bad at all. I like how the url isn't*name* also I really like how you can have your own little banner and customize the colors and stuff very easily. Also I don't think there isn't a character limit. My longest update was yesterdays and Mondays update was pretty long also. I like no character limit so I can get the site update/news on one post instead of doing multiple times.

Okay today i have minor news but it could be big for some people. As you guys know Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light has been released in Japan and in the United States. Well serebii has released two new events, Giritina's Griseous orb and Arceus's Pledge. Both events start at April 15, 2010 so get going! For more information read it here.
NOTE: I didn't have a blogger when the old Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light information was released.

Also for 5th generation, Pokemon Black and Pokemon White has no new information but they have the date on where the new information will be released Saturday May 15 on CoroCoro. The new issue will tell you how to get Zoura and Zoroark.

Final and minor news. Episode 624 of the Pokemon anime will be named "A Meteoric Experience"

That is all for now thanks for reading.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gpxplus guide: How to mass click

Okay since there really isn't really any new updates I will tell you guys how to mass click on Gpxplus without any fancy stuff. First of all Gpxplus is a fun pokemon egg place where you can click on other people pokemon. The main point of the Gpxplus is to hatch pokemon and help people. You can check the site out. It is a good time killer.

Q: What do I need to mass click on gpxplus?
A: All you really need is FireFox. Download here After you have Firefox add some nice add ons you can find on the internet if you want since the regular FireFox is kinda plain.

Q: Do I need anything extra to mass click on gpxplus?
A: All you need is FireFox. Some people recomend snaplinks but I dont know what it and I can click decent without it.

Q: What if i have a laptop?
A: You need to buy a mouse if you wanna mass click.

Shortcuts you need to know:
-Ctrl+W (This is to close tabs. Hold it to close faster)
-Ctrl+*number of tab your main gpxplus online list is on* (This is to go to the main online list page.)
-Ctrl+Tab (This is to go to the next tab)

1) Log onto Gpxplus and go to the "Users Online" which is located on the top right.
2) Type 40-50 or even 100 if your FireFox can take it to the pokemon/eggs you wanna open up.
3) Keep your Pinky on Ctrl, Index finger on W, Ring finger on Tab, and middle finger on the number. (2 is a good choice to keep your online list to be.)
4) When the pages are opening when you hit the "Go" button first choice. Tabs will start comming out. Wait for a while til it doesn't do that.
5) Now go back to where your online list is (use the Ctrl+*number of where the online list is at.*)
6) Now hit Ctrl+ Tab to go to the first pokemon page. Keep your mouse on the middle of the button. (Keep you mouse on middle of "warm the egg" or the berries) NOTE: Clicking the correct berries will waste time so don't care about that.
7) Click(keep clicking it doesnt matter as long it is in the middle of the "warm my egg button or at the middle berry choice") and hit Ctrl+Tab (over and over until you end up back to the online list.)
8) You now may want to wait 10 seconds depending on the internet do the clicks can load.
9) Go to the first pokemon page and hold Ctrl+W to close out the pages.
10) After you have closed out all the pages repeat the process over and over.

Hope this was helpful


Monday, April 12, 2010

Pokemon giveaway and Bakugan episode 48

As you guys know I made this blog yesterday. I have finished the banner which is amazing but not my best works. Bakugan: New Vestroia episode 48

Also Bakugan episode 48 aired on Sunday 11, 2010 but the person who i am following on youtube known as toondude7, who uploads Bakugan episode, but has been suspended many times and now is known as TheToonDude7. Well he hasn't uploaded the Bakugan: New Vestroia episode yet... 48. So just to let you guys have a sneak peak until TheToonDude7 uploads the episodes. Click here to view it.

Now for Pokemon news, July 10, 2010 - September 30, 2010 is where you can get Arcus, Shaymin and Darkrai. The main pokemon you are interested in downloading will be the amazing Celebi. It has special moves known when you get it. Take a look:
Level: 50
Ball its in: Cherish
Special Moves: Nasty Plot, Leaf Storm, Recover, Healing Wish.
Item Held: Jacabo Berry

Also on June 18, 2010 - August 31, 2010 you can also pick from Entei, Suicune, Raikou with special moves and they are shiny or alternate color as serebii likes to put it. Also they have cool items and epic moves.Here are the moves they have as well as their hold items when you get them.

Level: 50
Special Moves: Flare Blitz, Howl and Crush Claw.
Item Held: Custap Berry

Level: 50
Special Moves: Sheer Cold, Air Slash, Aqua Ring
Item Held: Rowap Berry

Level: 50
Special Moves: Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere and Weather Ball.
Item Held: Micle Berry


Thank you all for reading....if your even caring. I will have 5th gen images posted once serebii updates. Also I'm hoping for the Bakugan episode to get uploaded today. Well anyways.. See you guys tomorrow :)


Sunday, April 11, 2010

New blog

Okay if you know i am pokemaster163 from YouTube. pokemaster164 from dragcave and twitter. mysticmaster164 from gpxplus. well here is my new blog. I will get rid of twitter since they blog is way more awesome. I'm going to advertise my blog on my twitter since well its useless lol. Expect more useful updates them this. I will start my Pokemon and Bakugan updates when I get done making my awesome blog banner and my description banner done which may take a while since I need to find some nice Bakugan images. Well until tommorrow afternoon see you guys later and enjoy new new blog/site.
